About Dr. Masha
About Dr. Masha
Masha Makeeva, ND
Hi I am Dr. Masha, ND. I am a wife, a mother, a speaker, a podcast host, a hyperbaric advocate and a naturopathic doctor with 14 years of experience in women’s health conditions. I have been on a personal journey with PCOS, Endometriosis, Infertility and chronic infections for the past 20 years. I reclaimed my life, and you can do it too. Using my personal path as an inspiration, I have helped hundreds of women lose weight, balance their hormones, decrease inflammation and make a healthy lifestyle their everyday choice.
Together, we’ll build you a
solid foundation of health
to stand on for years to come.
Dr. Masha's Expertise
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

Dr. Masha's Credentials
- Naturopathic Doctorate (ND) from the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine (CCNM)
- Hyperbaric Living Podcast Host
- Canadian Board-Certified Naturopathic Doctor
- FENACO member - SPAIN registering body for naturopaths (WNF member)
- Faculty member and educator at the International Hyperbaric Association
- GCRN member - UK registering body for naturopaths (WNF member)
- Past Advisory Committee Member of the Spanish Hyperbaric Association (SEMH)
"I will support you at every stage of your healing journey. I’ll listen to figure out the why. I’ll explain the what and guide you in the how."
Dr. Masha's Past Speaking Engagements